About CPD

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) helps you create a structured career path, as well as safeguard your professional status.

CPD is about your skills, knowledge and expertise, and reflecting on what you've gained or achieved.

Think about your employer, colleagues and clients. Taking part in CPD sends them a strong message that you're serious about keeping your skills and experience fresh and fit-for-purpose.

How does CPD work?

You create a framework to identify your skill gaps – technical or personal.

You plan to do activities that will refresh or expand your knowledge and experience to fill the skill gaps.

On the basis of what you've gained from the activities you've completed, you update your CPD online.

Do all members have to do CPD?

All Chartered Fellows, Chartered Members, Graduate and Technical Members have to carry out CPD to safeguard their professional membership status. Student, Affiliate and Associate Members are welcome to take part, but they don't have to.

Whichever category of membership you belong to, you'll find that the scheme helps you to formulate and work to an effective career plan.


You'll be able to keep your online CPD record up to date by logging into MyIOSH – the pages of our website that are personalised to you. When you're logged in, check and update your CPD by clicking MyCPD.

Your CPD is completely secure, which means you can update your records from any computer that has internet access. We've designed your CPD with the busy practitioner in mind. It's easy to use, so you'll be able to spend more time developing as a professional rather than filling out forms.

CPD activities

CPD diagram

The framework to use when planning CPD activities

Professional training can play a big part in your development, but you can include a range of other activities when planning your CPD, including:

  • working on one-off internal projects
  • managing budgets
  • designing training or learning programmes
  • voluntary work in the local community using your professional skills.

No professional should stand still – we're all learning, all the time. CPD asks you to think about and record what you're doing, and plan and structure the most appropriate next steps.

Get in touch with the Membership team for more information.

Membership team

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